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Premanandhan Narayanan's Blogs
Embark on a transformative inner journey with Raja Yoga meditation and discover the power of mindfulness and self-realization. Our resources and teachings can help you cultivate inner peace and unlock your true potential. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and experience the joy and fulfillment of a deeper connection with your inner self.

Premanandhan Narayanan
Jun 12, 20232 min read
Embracing Spiritual Consciousness in Raja Yoga: Cooking and Eating with Remembrance of God
In Raja Yoga meditation, the process of cooking and eating food is considered an opportunity for spiritual practice and mindfulness. The...
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Premanandhan Narayanan
May 29, 20232 min read
Unlocking the Power of Positive Thinking: Embrace Positivity for a Happier Life
The comparison between Google search results and the thoughts generated by our minds is an interesting analogy. However, it's important...
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Premanandhan Narayanan
May 16, 20233 min read
Seizing the Present and Pursuing Happiness: Two Truths for a Fulfilling Life
The two truths about life revolve around the concepts of youthfulness and happiness. Let's delve into a detailed description of each...
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Premanandhan Narayanan
Apr 25, 20232 min read
Living Gracefully: The Lesson of a Lifetime
The story of the school boy who thought that his time would come when he turned 18 is a common sentiment among young people. When we are...
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Premanandhan Narayanan
Apr 17, 20232 min read
The Four Key Actions of Raja Yoga Meditation: How to Make Them a Part of Your Daily Life
Some people who practice Raja Yoga meditation may feel fed up with the practice. However, it's important to understand that Raja Yoga...
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Premanandhan Narayanan
Apr 10, 20231 min read
The Importance of Humility and Selflessness in Public Service: Lessons for All of Us.
The importance of humility in public service is that one should not be carried away by the appreciation received from others and let it...
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Premanandhan Narayanan
Mar 13, 20232 min read
The Power of Prayer: A Tale of Two Friends Stranded on an Island
Two friends found themselves stranded on a deserted island after rough weather while sailing. With no people living on the island, they...
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Premanandhan Narayanan
Feb 28, 20232 min read
Understanding Life and Finding Peace: Embracing the Good and the Bad
Some people do not love their life so they commit suicide some people fearing of death live just for the sake of living. Both are wrong...
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Premanandhan Narayanan
Feb 15, 20232 min read
The importance of using our energy for positive things according to the teachings of Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text in Hinduism says whatever has happened is good, whatever is happening is good, whatever is going to happen...
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